The Equity Record UK
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As Venture Capitalists, we acknowledge our pivotal role in fostering innovation, recognising that our strength lies in embracing diverse perspectives and unconventional visions of the future. However, historically, we’ve overlooked this crucial element within our own ranks, resulting in an imbalance in opportunity scales and hindering economic growth.
For our 2023 UK Equity Record, we conducted an extensive analysis of demographics, focussing deeply on gender representation, ethnicity data, and notably, socioeconomic diversity. Beyond merely scrutinising the composition of the UK VC ecosystem, we took a groundbreaking step by assessing their perceptions of progress in fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within their funds.
These findings provide a comprehensive understanding of inclusivity within VC across intersecting lines and shed light on potential factors contributing to the industry’s struggle in achieving diversity.
Key Findings

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