The Data Project

Women in UK Venture Capital 2017

The purpose of this report is to cast a light on the men and women working in U.K. venture capital.

For six months, Diversity VC worked with the BVCA and to analyse more than 1,500 senior investment professionals at 160 U.K. firms. And it’s the very first report of its type. We hope this contributes to the ongoing discussion around diversity. While not exhaustive, this report is the very first of its type, and provides a valuable insight into the decision makers who are helping create the companies, jobs, cultures and products of the future.

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Women are underrepresented in U.K. venture capital

We found that women comprise of just 27% of the venture capital labour force compared to 47% in the U.K. labour force overall. This figure includes non investment professionals within venture capital.
of overall VC Labour Force are Women*
0 %

Women are significantly underrepresented in investment teams

When specifically considering investment roles (from the titles of Analyst to Partner) women are further underrepresented at only 18%. The equivalent figure for non-investment roles (such as Investor Relations, Marketing and Legal) stands at 43%.
of Investment Professionals are Women*
0 %

Women represent just 13% of decision makers in U.K. venture capital

We classify a decision maker within a venture capital firm as an individual on an investment committee, typically an investment partner, who makes the final decision over which investments to make. Women represent only 13% of these decision makers.

% of women in investment team, by seniority

Junior – Analysts, Associates or equivalent
Middle – Principals or equivalent
Senior – Partner or equivalent

% Women

% Men

A significant number of firms have no women representation at all

Almost half of all firms have no women in their investment teams. Looking exclusively at decision makers, a staggering 66% of investment teams have no women decision makers.
of firms have no women in their Investment Team*
0 %
of firms have no women in their decision making team*
0 %

That said, we should be optimistic about the road ahead.

Whilst we’re starting from a low base, there is significant willingness in the industry to redress the gender balance.

20% senior women
by 2020

We recognise that to significantly improve female representation at a senior level requires an industry‑wide effort. Our goal is to see women holding at least 20% of senior decision-making positions in U.K. venture capital by 2020 – mirroring the target of Level 20 – and we will work with firms to set targets for themselves that are both ambitious and achievable.

Our recommended

We recognise that to significantly improve female representation at a senior level requires an industry‑wide effort. Our goal is to see women holding at least 20% of senior decision-making positions in U.K. venture capital by 2020 – mirroring the target of Level 20 – and we will work with firms to set targets for themselves that are both ambitious and achievable.


The Full Report

We distilled the report into the a few key findings, above, but feel free to view or download the report.

Futher Reading

Further Reading & Organisations promoting diversity

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